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martes, 14 de mayo de 2013

Virgin Records

Lamentablemente cuando me pongo a pensar en algún recuerdo positivo que me dejase mi ex-novia  es sin duda su devoción que tenia hacia Tool, A perfect Circle y James Maynard Keenan. Reconozco que nunca me llamaron la atención hasta que la conoci a ella, pero gracias a ese interes me hizo fijarme que estaba delante de algo fuera de este mundo y algo incomprendido.
Con el lanzamiento del segundo álbum de APC, Thirteenth Step, indican un cambio importante para la banda, el bajo sirve como piedra angular y el elemento de manejo en la música, el tono y la adición de una dimensión más sólida de lo que se visualiza en el pasado. Los otros elementos de la música también siguen su ejemplo, especialmente la evolución del manejo de la guitarra de Billy Howerdell en una estructura de canciones más sutiles pero más técnicas, el establecimiento de un cambiante entorno sólido, y un fondo de Maynard James Keenan para presentar su gama vocal todavia mas formidable e imaginária en su lírica mas  emocional. 
Como es de costumbre con cualquier cosa que hace Maynard, presta sus habilidades excepcionales para Thirteenth Step, el álbum en sí está cargado con el poder, la belleza y la abundancia de perspectivas metafóricas. Las canciones comparten un tema común, que presenta múltiples perspectivas sobre los altibajos de la adicción a las drogas, de ahí el título Thirteenth Step. No es nada nuevo saber de las luchas a la adicción, pero sin duda la banda es la primera vez en ofrecer los efectos de la adicción desde múltiples ángulos. Maynard da los pasos en el cuerpo del adicto, en los ojos del observador distante, y en el corazón de los ​​seres queridos interesados, para entregar brillantemente todo el dolor, el deseo, la necesidad, la debilidad, la impotencia y el cinismo que constituye cada punto de vista diferente. 
Canciones como "The Package", "Weak & Powerless", "Vanishing" y "Gravity" cubren todo el apecto de la crisis de la angustia de un adicto, que va desde la desesperación engañosa de "The Package" "Lie to get what I came for, lie and smile to get what’s mine", a la sin esperanza del abandono con "Weak & Powerless" "The devil has my ear today, I’ll never hear of what you say". La euforia insustituible del alto contenido de "Vanishing" "Vanish into the air, slowly disappear, never really here", a la lucha de la tentación de "Gravity" "Dizzy and clearly unable to just let this go I am surrendering to the gravity and the unknown-catch me, heal me, lift me back up to the sun  I choose to live".Varias son otras perspectivas las que aparecen a lo largo del álbum, así como la hipocresía de los adictos que son cristianos y que se hace pasar por encima del resto en "The Noose" "With heaven’s help you cast your demons out...Recall the deeds as if they’re all someone else’s atrocious stories, your halo’s slipping down to choke you now", la negación de lo seres queridos, incapaces de hacer frente a la obvio en "Blue" "I didn’t want to know, I just didn’t want to know, Close my eyes just to look at you", y la vista de alguien desde el exterior tratando de entender lo que ve en "The Outsider" "Help me if you can, it’s just that this is not the way I’m wired so would you please help me understand why you’re giving in to all these reckless, dark desires". También está el habitual doble sentido lírico en las letras de Maynard como en "Pet", una canción que suena muy parecida a una canción de cuna cantada por uno de los padres que quieren proteger a sus hijos de todo daño, pero también funciona como el punto de vista de la droga en sí, arrollando al que escucha estas frases a una falsa sensación de seguridad: "Pay no mind to what other voices say, they don't care about you, like I do. Safe from pain and truth and choice and other poison devils, See, they don't give a fuck about you, like I do".Y, por supuesto, el álbum no estaría del todo completo sin un poco de humor, en este caso, se presenta en forma de cover llamada "The Nurse Who Loved Me" Una canción hermosa con una melodía orquestal combinada con letras de canciones que suenan como si estuvieran compuestas por Charles Manson en éxtasis, se crea una imagen perfecta de una sesión loca en el porche de un asilo, babeando sin pensar y mirando al culo de una enfermera, fantaseando con un inexistente romance. "She’s got everything I need, pharmacy keys, she’s falling hard for me, I can see it in her eyes. She acts just like a nurse for all the other guys". 
A parte de la brillante actuación habitual de Maynard, toda esta banda está a años luz por delante de su anterior encarnación. Hay una cierta sincronía y armonía creada en la música que combina para realizar una obra maestra de la melodía y de la emoción y que no estaba presente en el álbum anterior. El ocasional trance de mantra musical en canciones como "Crimes" y "Lullaby" son igualmente correctas aunque destacan en grado menor. El álbum en general está lleno de emociones variadas, tanto líricas y musical. A Perfect Circle extiende su único ambiente, emocionar y presentar múltiples perspectivas que cualquiera que los escuche se encuentre obligado a asociarse de alguna manera. Ciertamente, Thirteenth Step fue el segundo paso lógico en la evolución de esta banda ya única!!. 
Estamos delante de uno de los mejores álbumes de la decada pasada, que sin querer echar la vista atrás cuenta ya con 10 años, pero que ciertamente le han sentado muy bien. 

Unfortunately when I start to think in a positive memory I leave my ex-girlfriend is certainly their devotion he had towards Tool, A perfect Circle, Maynard James Keenan. I recognize that never struck me until I met her, but thanks to that interest me that was before noticing something out of this world and somewhat misunderstood.
With the release of the second album of APC, Thirteenth Step, indicate a significant change for the band, the bass serves as the cornerstone and the operating element in music, tone and adding a sound dimension to what is displayed in the past. The other elements of the music also follow suit, especially the evolution of the guitar skills of Billy Howerdell a more subtle song structure but more technical, the establishment of a solid changing environment, and a background of Maynard James Keenan to present your vocal range still more formidable and imaginary in his lyrics more emotional.
As usual with anything that makes Maynard, provides exceptional skills Thirteenth Step, the album itself is loaded with power, beauty and abundance of metaphorical perspectives. The songs share a common theme, that presents multiple perspectives on the ups and downs of addiction to drugs, hence the title Thirteenth Step. It's nothing new to know struggles with addiction, but certainly the band is the first to offer the effects of addiction from multiple angles. Maynard takes the lead in the body of the addict, in the eyes of the distant observer, and in the hearts of loved ones interested, to deliver brilliantly all the pain, the desire, the need, weakness, impotence and cynicism constitutes each different view.
Songs like "The Package", "Weak & Powerless", "Vanishing" and "Gravity" cover the entire crisis apecto the anguish of an addict, ranging from misleading despair "The Package" "Lie to get what I came for, lie and smile to get what's mine ", to abandon hopeless with" Weak & Powerless "" The devil has my ear today, I'll never hear of what you say ". The euphoria irreplaceable high in "Vanishing" "Vanish into the air, slowly disappear, never really here", to fight the temptation to "Gravity" "Dizzy and Clearly unable to just let this go I am surrendering to the gravity and the unknown-catch me, heal me, lift me back up to the sun I choose to live ". Several are other perspectives that appear throughout the album as well as the hypocrisy of addicts who are Christians and that becomes pass above the rest in "The Noose" "With heaven's help you cast your demons out ... Recall the deeds as if they're all someone else's atrocious stories, your halo's slipping down to choke you now", the negation of the loved ones, unable to deal with the obvious in "Blue" "I did not want to know, I just did not want to know, Close my eyes just to look at you", and the view of someone from the outside trying to understand what you see in "The Outsider" "Help me if you can, it's just that this is not the way I'm wired so would you please help me understand why you're giving in to All These reckless, dark desires ". There is also the usual lyrical double entender in the lyrics of Maynard as in "Pet", a song that sounds like a lullaby sung by one of the parents who want to protect their children from harm, but also functions as the point of view of the drug itself, sweeping the listener these phrases into a false sense of security: "Pay no mind to what other voices say, They do not care about you, like I do. Safe from pain and truth and choice and other poison devils, See, They do not give a fuck about you, like I do. "And of course, the album would not be quite complete without a bit of humor, in this case, is in the form of cover called "The Nurse Who Loved Me" A beautiful song with orchestral melody combined with lyrics that sound like they were composed by Charles Manson in ecstasy, creates a perfect image from a crazy session on the porch of a nursing home, drooling without thinking and looking at the ass of a nurse, fantasizing about a nonexistent romance. "She's got everything I need, pharmacy keys, she's falling hard for me, I can see it in her eyes. She acts just like a nurse for all the other guys".
Besides the usual brilliant performance Maynard, all this band is light years ahead of its previous incarnation. There is a certain synchronicity and harmony created in music that combines to make a masterpiece of melody and emotion and was not present in the previous album. The occasional musical mantra trance songs like "Crimes" and "Lullaby" are equally correct but include lesser extent. The album in general is full of mixed emotions, both lyrical and musical. A Perfect Circle extends its unique atmosphere, excite and provide multiple perspectives that anyone who listens is compelled to associate in any way. Certainly, Thirteenth Step was the next logical step in the evolution of this band and unique!.
We are facing one of the best albums of the past decade who reluctantly look back now has 10 years, but they certainly have sat well.

Puntuación *9/10



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